Cheval Blanc St-Barth Isle De France i Saint-Barthélemy

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Baie des Flamands, Saint-Barthélemy 97133
Kontakter telefon: +590 590 27 61 81
Latitude: 17.9195, Longitude: -62.855
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Kommentar 5

  • Amber Poggiogalli

    Amber Poggiogalli


    1st Class Everything. Our clients and our Photographer Akos, really delivered all on a silver platter, Best of the Best. What a positive Top Level Photoshoot Adventure.

  • M



    un paradis sur terre , st bath est magique et je viens dans cet hôtel depuis 4 ans , et tous les ans , il s'amèliore , à l'écoute des clients , le spa Guerlain est formidable , bref un havre de paix

  • Shannon Patterson

    Shannon Patterson


    We had lunch here and it was fabulous and excellent. The parking we a little tight but good. The vanilla based liquor bottle was perfect to share with our table. The beach was perfect.

  • Pernthaler Pernthaler

    Pernthaler Pernthaler


    Fantastic Hotel and service's nice place

  • Carla Sifontes

    Carla Sifontes


    This place is unbelievable! I wasn't staying at the hotel but I went to the baie des flammands beach. We ordered food from the hotel (which was delicious) and they served it to us right on the beach as if we were guests. The view from the pool is gorgeous and everything from this place is just fantastic. Will be coming back next summer!

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