L'Isola i Gustavia

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Rue du Roi Oscar II, Gustavia, BL Saint Barthélemy
Kontakter telefon: +590 590 51 00 05
Latitude: 17.8974319, Longitude: -62.8487813
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Kommentar 5

  • Steve DeMarco

    Steve DeMarco


    Only real Italian restaurant on the island and it is very good. Wonderful ambiance. You can't go wrong. Just bring a lot of cash. It is pricier than most of the other restaurants.

  • Suzanne Oostdyk

    Suzanne Oostdyk


    Highest quality food and service. A joy to dine here, every time consistently delicious and wonderful atmosphere. Every town needs an L’Isola! P.S the photos they show here though are from L’Isoletta down the street !? Mix up?

  • Harry Sacal

    Harry Sacal



  • Brian Muston

    Brian Muston


    This restaurant is amazing. Exceptional service and even better food. They treat you like family.

  • Romain Debordeaux

    Romain Debordeaux


    Great lunch prix-fixe. The staff is nice and helpful. The Pinot Gris we had there was also quite nice. Would definitely recommend for lunch. We have not tried their diner offerings. But I believe it is very similar.

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