Pipiri Palace i Gustavia

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Rue du General de Gaulle, Gustavia, BL Saint Barthélemy
Kontakter telefon: +590 590 27 53 20
Latitude: 17.895921, Longitude: -62.851648
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Kommentar 5

  • SLiM Digital360

    SLiM Digital360


  • JP Colgan

    JP Colgan


    Classic French cuisine. This restaurant offers good food at reasonable prices. The profiterole dessert one of the best I have ever had

  • Mel Goldstein

    Mel Goldstein


    Since the shops close between 1:30 and 3:00 on St. Barths We were looking for somewhere we could have a nice mid-day sit down French style lunch. One of the local stores suggested we try this restaurant and it turned out to be a very good recommendation. My wife had their multi course special and it was a tasty chicken dish. I had the grilled shrimp dish that was grilled to perfection. The server was incredibly friendly and informative. Reasonably priced and worth a sit.

  • Deedee ROBIN

    Deedee ROBIN


    Super diner..des plats créoles qui valent le détour...j'ai apprécié le colombo de poisson et les accras.un service conviviale..et a l'écoute...une étape incontournable lors de notre prochain séjour

  • Stewart Leiwakabessy

    Stewart Leiwakabessy


    Cute, quaint and lovely dishes are served. Better value for money than along the harbour.

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