St-Barth Plongée Birdy Dive Center i Gustavia

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Collectivity Dock, Gustavia 97133, St Barthélemy
Kontakter telefon: +590 690 41 96 66
Latitude: 17.898354, Longitude: -62.853832
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Kommentar 5

  • Richard Archambault

    Richard Archambault


    My first dive experience in Saint Barts since the hurricane. Birdy took us to a great spot with lots of marine life. We saw sting rays, barracuda, sea turtles and sharks. Birdy is very experienced and knowledgeable about diving, marine life, and the islands he tours. Along with this, he has a great sense of humor, and his boat has a very friendly atmosphere. Most importantly, he was very safe and made everyone feel comfortable on his spacious boat. I plan to, and will come back and dive with Birdy again. 5/5!!!

  • Peter McAndrew

    Peter McAndrew


    Went out on my first dive with St Barth Plongee - What an amazing experience! The dive boat took us out to an amazing reef where we saw sting rays, turtles and so many amazing tropical fish. Birdy is a very knowledgeable guy and very funny. Highly recommended!

  • Marius Catalin

    Marius Catalin


    Amazing experience and sea life. The boat Is lovely with the roof and very confortable. Cant wait to repet the experience with you again. Good job guys 👏🏻👏🏻

  • Mania Alexandru

    Mania Alexandru


    The best experience in my life. Crew were very helpful and really experienced. We've had a great time swimming with lots of fish, turtules and many others amazing creatures of the sea. Really looking forward for the next holiday

  • Sarah Noska

    Sarah Noska


    Fantastic service and experience as always! My family and I have been diving with Birdy and his crew for years. The boat is wonderful to dive from and the friendly service cannot be beat. I look forward to our next trip!

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