WIMCO Villas - Beachfront villas for rent with concierge service i St Barthelemy

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La Savane, Airport, St Barthelemy 97133, Saint Barthélemy
Kontakter telefon: +590 590 51 07 51
Hjemmeside: www.wimco.com
Latitude: 17.903234, Longitude: -62.845026
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Kommentar 5

  • James Halston

    James Halston


    I am a frequent traveller and often times opt to rent a villa, apartment or house over hotels. I enjoy the freedom and space that these offer. Unfortunately, my worst 2 experiences have been with WIMCO St. Barth. The start was at the airport when their agent Max asked if we minded taking our luggage ourselves to the villa. On a recent trip I emailed with a powerless and inept manager Laurent Edery multiple times a day to initiate a repair the air conditioning unit in our villa that resulted in 5 nights of poor sleep. At times the room temperature was higher than the outside temperature. The villa manager and Laurent Edery stated several times that the air conditioning was in perfect order but I had temperature readings from an electronic device that was in the room. Very unpleasant and very unprofessional. The luxury villa rental market is very competitive and I would suggest that other companies who cover this market are more professional, responsive to clients requests and add a nice personal touch unlike WIMCO.

  • John Cole

    John Cole


    Fantastic villa rental agency. They will help you find the perfect villa for your stay. They are available from booking until you fly home to assist you in anyway.

  • Larry Cohen

    Larry Cohen


    We had a great trip. WIMCO's concierge service was excellent--they were very attentive to our needs and made reservations arranged massages Overall Great service!! Best, Larry

  • Peter Elebash

    Peter Elebash


    Without a doubt, the best organization to make certain your holiday is perfect!

  • Monte Mathews

    Monte Mathews


    WIMCO is hands-down the best villa rental agency anywhere. The service and attention to detail bests any competition. Our agent, Bethany Ludwick went so far above and beyond to get us our spectacular rental that we owe her a sincere debt of gratitude. But Bethany's help was just the beginning. We were greeted at the airport by Max Avril who escorted us and our luggage to Villa LUZ. Once there, he explained every feature of the house and finding one item missing in this sensationally equipped Villa, he immediately called for its delivery. It arrived 30 minutes later. Later that day, a bottle of very good Champagne was delivered. And the next morning, Croissants, a Baguette and a Fresh-Squeezed Orange Juice were left at our doorstep. Our exit from the Villa was similarly handled with Max arriving to take our luggage to the Airport where he graciously helped us check in for our flight. We are very long time clients of WIMCO and will continue to be as they continue to offer unparalleled service and by far the most best selection of superb rental properties. Bravo!

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