Barthloc i Saint Barthélémy

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Rue de France Gustavia, 97133, Saint Barthélémy, FR
Kontakter telefon: +590 590 27 52 81
Latitude: 17.897702, Longitude: -62.849263
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Kommentar 5

  • Sherwin Toulon

    Sherwin Toulon


    Watch out for the flat tire costs.

  • Martin Cremer

    Martin Cremer


    This is the place to go to rent an ATV in St. Bart's. It's a lot of fun. The roads are steep and it's just crazy as all hell driving around, but it's worth the adventure if you don't end up in the hospital. You get a view of the island unlike any other and a freedom to explore the more remote regions.

  • Christian Graugart

    Christian Graugart


    Their insurance policy is a straight up scam. For €15 a day they offer a €700 maximum deductible in case of damage on the car. Only thing, they insist on interpreting this as you must pay €700 regardless of how big or small the damage is. So if you make a damage costing €200 or even just €10 in repairs, they will still charge your credit card the full €700. Meaning that paying extra for an insurance might actually put you in a WORSE position in case you make a scratch. Can not recommend this rental company.

  • Payam Izadpanah

    Payam Izadpanah


    We rented a car for a day, everything was great. Staff were very helpful.

  • Leslie Nie

    Leslie Nie


    Excellent service! Location is great very close to the ferry port. Our car was right on location. Administration was fast in less than 5 minutes we was on the road. Highly suggest Barthloc Car Rental.

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