Eden Rock - St Barths i Saint Barthélemy

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Baie de Saint Jean, Saint Barthélemy 97133, Saint-Barthélemy
Kontakter telefon: +590 590 29 79 99
Hjemmeside: www.oetkercollection.com
Latitude: 17.9031705, Longitude: -62.8361258
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Kommentar 5

  • Marek Zaczek

    Marek Zaczek


    Najlepszy hotel na wyspie , gorąco polecam !

  • M



    L'éden rock lieu mythique de saint barth , deux restaurants , un sur la plage et un sur les auteurs avec une vue superbe sur l'eau , deux cartes différentes mais tellement bonnes , que nous y passons au moins 3 fois manger , l'hotel est top et la boutique à une acheteuse qui est à la pointe de la mode , pour le personnel des restaurants , ils sont professionnels et toujours agréables , le lieu à ne pas manquer

  • Mike Hunt

    Mike Hunt


    Spent the day & evening in Port from a cruise, exploring the island with a rental car. It was all extremely breathtaking. Had lunch at the open air patio adjacent to the NUDE beach & and while quite pricey it was very enjoyable!

  • Ciji Shippley

    Ciji Shippley


    I am deeply sorry to hear what Irma did your beautiful hotel. My God help you rebuild and like the phenoix rise from these ashes better and more beautiful than before.

  • Mike H.

    Mike H.


    Review based on lower restaurant. The food was good, but perhaps a little less memorable than the other places we visited on the island. Similarly, the service was adequate, but not at the level we received elsewhere (although we could have been there on a slightly off night). Enough people love this place that my good but far from great experience shouldn't alone turn anyone off, but keep an eye out if any pattern develops.

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