Hotel Christopher Saint-Barth BL

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Pointe Milou, 9 St. Barthelemy BL 97133, St Barthélemy
Kontakter telefon: +590 590 27 63 63
Latitude: 17.913673, Longitude: -62.816757
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Kommentar 5

  • Larah Oh

    Larah Oh


    Excellent Hotel. Premium Staff. Very good management

  • Yotam Sandak

    Yotam Sandak


    Lovely spot, friendly staff, comfortable rooms. Excellent. The pool is really nice too.

  • JP Colgan

    JP Colgan


    Fabulous sunsets, attentive staff, and a very pretty restaurant, excellent food and wine and possibly the best lobster on the island.

  • Will McCormack

    Will McCormack


    The hotel staff was great; friendly and prompt. Sunsets here are also amazing, I'd argue the best on the island (the sun sets over the water framed by St. Barths on the left, and St Maarten on the right). The Pool. Best on the island no contest there.

  • Natalie Adams

    Natalie Adams


    The staff is the friendliest we've ever come across and so very accommodating. The food, drinks, and views are hard to beat as well. Great view of sunsets and the pool is just the right amount of action. They played a big role in making our honeymoon memorable. We will definitely be back!

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