Hotel Le Toiny i Toiny

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Anse de Toiny, 97133, Toiny, BL Saint Barthélemy
Kontakter telefon: +1 800-680-0832
Latitude: 17.8993, Longitude: -62.7969
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Kommentar 5

  • Jo Sherwood

    Jo Sherwood


    Mathieu is the friendliest waiter, we went for lunch with 2 babies, he was so accommodating, gave us towels to put down for the babies, always checking if we needed anything! The lunch was great/fresh. And not over the top pricing for lunch. The land rover drive town to beach club is fun, with a very helpful friendly driver :). This is a MUST for lunch whilst on St Barths....Bon appétit

  • Alex Thomas

    Alex Thomas


    hands down the best service we enjoyed while dining around st. barth's last week. the staff was exceptional and informative. we were a little early for our dinner reservation, so we enjoyed cocktails at the bar and enjoyed the quiet side of the island over sunset. then we enjoyed a multi-course meal near the infinity pool overlooking the water. do not miss the truffle pasta! we enjoyed a variety of fish and meat dishes - all delicious and hope we get back there soon!

  • Richard Henry

    Richard Henry


    Best Beach Bar on the island. Starting with the Land Rover Defender Shuttle to the amazing food and drinks selection and complete seclusion, it completely makes up for the lack of actual beach and swimming. Staff is outstanding.

  • Al Rosin

    Al Rosin


    Surreal view overlooking a cliff....exquisite cuisine....beautifully crafted wine card.

  • JP Colgan

    JP Colgan


    Wonderful hotel with the quiet and seclusion of Le Toiney's beachfront No loud music, no screams, no loud motors...paradise

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