L'Esprit BL

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St Barthélemy
Kontakter telefon: +590
Latitude: 17.8914005, Longitude: -62.8225493
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Kommentar 5

  • Cherie King

    Cherie King


    Positively the BEST dining experience on the island.

  • Charles Water

    Charles Water


    Loved it. Must visit

  • Kyle Nagel

    Kyle Nagel


    Best food and wonderful team!

  • Jose Rodriguez

    Jose Rodriguez


    Great restaurant in a good location. This restaurant is open and funtional after Hurricane Irma.

  • Adair Bolton

    Adair Bolton


    At almost 40 years of age, we have been to MANY great restaurants, and several of the best have been on St Barth, but L'Esprit surpasses them all. The inviting garden setting strung with small globe lights and brimming with tropical pink flowers under towering palms and a uniquely textured pine could have been the draw to this lovely gem of a restaurant - if it weren't for the food. The menu presented on simple printer paper on a clipboard has such unassuming titles as "Chocolat et Coco" and "Duck Spring Rolls" that do no justice whatsoever to the perfect explosion of flavor complements you should expect. The duck spring rolls were intensely flavored with a natural combination of ingredients and perfectly paired with an angel hair fine salad of cabbage, mango, and cilantro and paired with a mild cream that finished with just a mild hint of heat. I think I could write a novel on the perfection of the Chilean sea bass perfectly paired with tiny French cockles and impeccably cooked vegetables in a deliciously mild artichoke broth. Words fail. And there is no way I could do justice to the chocolate mousse topped with homemade coconut ice cream and wrapped in a chocolate shell. Nor could words approach the intense raspberry flavor of the raspberries on a meringue half shell. The menu and my husband both agreed that the raspberry flavor was intensified by the balsamic, but the flavor was so perfectly balanced that the only detectable flavor was the most amazing raspberry ever. We will be back every time we visit St, Barth - and probably at least twice more before we leave!

Nærmeste Restaurant:

Le Tamarin

Saline Saint-Barthélemy BL 97133
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