Luxe St Barts i Paris

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4, Rue Sedillot, 75007, Paris, FR
Kontakter telefon: +33 6 90 77 00 73
Latitude: 17.895114, Longitude: -62.814331
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Kommentar 3

  • Viewer Français

    Viewer Français


  • Mathieu Godin

    Mathieu Godin


    We were really looking forward to go on this trip, and our host delivered perfectly. Our villa was fantastic, spatious and opened. We were two couples living together and there was way enough space for everyone. A 3 minutes walk to go to the beach and a 5 minutes ride to the supermarket made our stay so much simpler. We were feeling in vacation at every moments. Thanks Luxe St-Barts !

  • Alexis Mercille

    Alexis Mercille


    5 friends and I had a wonderful trip in St-Barts last month. Our hosts were really thoughtful, when we asked for anything, they were there to help us. They are one of the main reasons we loved this place so much. We lived in the Lagon Jaune villa for two weeks, everything was always clean, the villa was a mix of luxe and confort. There is a private and really quiet beach at about 200m from the villas and there are plenty more around the island. What really surprised us is how all the locals (and the tourists) are always happy and smiley, there is a positive energy all around the island. Even if going to St-Barts is a bit expensive, it will worth every money you put in this trip. We are already planning to go back in the same villa next year!

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