Le Guanahani BL

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D209, 97133, BL Saint Barthélemy
Kontakter telefon: +590 590 52 90 00
Hjemmeside: www.leguanahani.com
Latitude: 17.912442, Longitude: -62.80437
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Kommentar 5

  • Rino Dall'Acqua

    Rino Dall'Acqua


    Posto stupendo

  • Claudio Beatriz

    Claudio Beatriz



  • Victor Amores

    Victor Amores


    Lugar de sueños

  • Chad Williams

    Chad Williams


    Been to Guanahani a few times and it's always a great experience. The keep the beach super clean, there are a few cool cats hanging about, the staff is always very friendly and the food is good. Make sure to go out on the point where the waves are crashing and take a short walk to the top of the little hill.

  • Amanda



    Absolutely gorgeous views right outside the room we stayed at, loved the fact that all non motorized water sports was included in the stay, breakfast was also included. Room service was quick and staff if friendly ready to help in anyway they can. Our stay was perfect!

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