Tropical Hotel i Baie de St Jean

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Wspólnota Saint-Barthélemy, Baie de St Jean邮政编码: 97133
Kontakter telefon: +590 590 27 55 67
Latitude: 17.9013626, Longitude: -62.8353542
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Kommentar 5

  • Polymedes Άργος

    Polymedes Άργος


    J'ai connu cet établissement pionnier à l'époque où cette île paradisiaque était encore très confidentielle. Les habitations pavillonnaires sont disposées en U au bord du patio central, qui abrite une végétation luxuriante, procurant confort et tranquillité. Situé sur une hauteur de Saint-Jean, il assure une vue plongeante et panoramique sur toute la baie.

  • Magali Wehrlin

    Magali Wehrlin


    Un adorable hotel de charme chic et simple a la fois , ou l on se sent comme a la maison avec le service en plus..une equipe au top , ultra pro et bienveillante : karine , tao , aby, caroline et les autres , sans oublier le directeur mickael , genial .une ambiance magique dans le plus grand respect de la clientele .nous y avons sejourné 3 semaines.

  • Alfredo Irigoin

    Alfredo Irigoin


    Beautifully decorated, warm attention, good food. Limited ocean view if that is what you are expecting. We spent two nights and would recommend it, if you plan to take the car and tour the island during the day.

  • Robert Solomon

    Robert Solomon


    This hotel made our vacation! Located in St. Jean, there is always things to do: restaurants, beach, shopping. The staff is gracious. Every staff member is friendly and professional. The concierge could not have been more helpful. The restaurant on site is delicious. And the breakfast, which every guest in the morning is offered, was perfect. The pool and bar area is decorated beautifully and the grounds are lovely. The room we had was clean and had everything we needed. They are small, but we really did not need anything else in the way of comfort. We loved the "vibe". And we recommend this boutique hotel. We would go back there in a second. And we recommend this hotel.

  • danza zahori

    danza zahori


    Nice size. Lovely atmosphere. Weekly BBQ with life music (Stephan Poumpignac while I was there). Charming staff. Delicious world class food. Flawless wifi all over! 😊 Perfect location, 1 mimute to St Jean. superb value. Will be back. It is a very special place which I cant fault. 100% recommendable

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